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Old 05-20-2015, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by icygrace (View Post)
I mean, he FELT what she felt, but we didn't see HIS clothes burning off, did we? So it might be near-torture for him to feel these things, but IDK that they'd actually kill him, if that makes sense?
I think if she were to die by drowning, he would have a heart-attack or something like that. While his lungs might not fill with water, his hearth would probably give up.
I wonder what else can he feel from her. If he feels pain, can he feel pleasure? Cold? Hunger? This might mess up with him a lot.
I'm not as much concerned by his potential death (that's not gonna happen) as I'm by her visiting his dreams. Just no more dream raping Bash, please. That's disturbing. How much control does she have of him in a dream state? Was he that at ease with making out with her simply because he was sleepy? I need answers, and I need Delphine stay the hell away from Bash in his dreams.

Originally Posted by Christian'sKimberDoll (View Post)
The question is can Bash read D's mind too? I mean when they are connected he should. But he didn't know that they wanted to kill her. He slept and only woke up because she talked to him via thought transmission or something similar. That means the connection is one-sided. He can't read her thoughts, he only can feel.
I think he knew they were going to kill her. He just didn't care. He certainly didn't feel concerned until he felt his own pain.
He might get into her head eventually. I think it could be a matter of him not knowing there was a connection between them at the first place, and also of him, despite being pagan, not having any real experience with magic, let alone doing it. Maybe later on, after he begins his research into breaking off the connection, he might learn how to use it to his advantage. If he has time for that, and perhaps some guidance.

Last edited by unstableharpy; 05-20-2015 at 09:32 AM
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