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Old 05-13-2015, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by LysCat (View Post)
I guess there's been speculation that Ward is going to dismantle Hydra from the inside, and that's why he was concerned with the list. I don't believe it, but this is the place for speculation.
I think that's speculation from people that really want to believe there's some good in Ward, despite all evidence to the contrary.

I think the business with the list was that Ward isn't used to being in charge, he's used to following someone else's orders so he was trying to find someone else in charge that he could work with. He's never really cared about Hydra or it's ideology, he's just making use of the existing Hydra infrastructure to further his own ends.

And I think the difference with having Ward in charge is that he'll make things very personal. He won't just go after SHIELD on principle, he'll use Hydra to go after Coulson and his former teammates personally.

Ward might end up dismantling Hydra in the sense that he doesn't really care about Hydra, it's just a means to an end, and he won't care if it all falls apart so long as he gets what he wants personally.
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