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Old 05-13-2015, 04:34 AM
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Originally Posted by confessor_meggy (View Post)
Aaaaaaand dead.

I love how she pointed out that the relationship if it's unhealthy, it's unhealthy for both, not just Belle. I agree with that. Their relationship in 4a was hurting both of them and both of them made mistakes that need to be addressed.

And of course, the authors don't ship Belle&Screentime, so, probably they won't
Yeah, I think she was making the point that Belle can't be his "emotional crutch" as the interviewer was saying. It wasn't good for her to look the other way at his behavior and not call him out on it, like in any real life addiction story. It's not healthy for the addict if their partner just lets them do these things and pretends they're not happening.
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