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Old 05-03-2015, 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by These Broken Stars (View Post)
I don't know, but I guess Cassie did see her auditions and based it off that. Right now it's hard to tell by looking at her, but if she gets into the role,.. I'm sure she got the part for a reason

Looks can be deceiving, so when we see her in costume, and promos, it may make her fit the part better.

Do you want to read the scene she auditioned from?
That's what I'm hoping for, people keep stating that Isabelle in the film was blonde, but she died her hair black for the role. Her being naturally blonde outside of the film has nothing to do with it. Trolls online complaining about the film actress being blonde outside of the film are probably the same one's complaining about race in the tv one. Typical. Emeraude can't have a face and body transplant as easy as the other one dying her hair to get into character.

I am aware we can't judge her on nothing but what she looks like in real life as we haven't seen her acting or in costume yet, but from real life alone she doesn't do it for me. I just Magnus isn't a total flop too. (my favourite)

I'm also wondering why people online like Twitter are all for Cassie. I was made aware (At least from what she said in the past) she has no rights what so ever once she signs them over. So who cares (beyond respect) whether Cassie thinks someone fits a role? Even if she didn't she can't change it and fans would just have to deal. It also humours me because she said the first film was great and look how that flopped, i take what she says with a pinch of salt until i witness it for myself.

Also, do you have the scene? I would like to read it yes
Jade . Arts . Other
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