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Old 04-19-2015, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by MerDerZola_fan (View Post)
He didn't say wait for me for no reason. I think that is iconic. He could be brain dead or in a coma, thus wait for me. I think the season ends with him riding on the Ferry to Bainbridge to meet Mer. He'll say, thanks for waiting or you waited and smile that McDreamy smile. fade to black- end of torture S11.
Yeah, I hope the ferryboat scene is not in epi 21, that would mean he has to be back at some point...or so I hope...maybe he's navigating in his afterlife/limbo until he can go back!

And yeah, it's bizarre that if they are killing a main character and someone as iconic as McDreamy, they would do it before the SF...kinda anticlimatic...I mean what are they going to do in the SF then that make people want to come back and watch in the fall?

And I think people has stopped watching slowly, and those threatening does stop watching...even then Grey's is an interesting case but I think them keeping the audience might had been related to keeping the central couple...

I wished S10 was Grey's series finales...I always feared this, even if PD signed up for S12...but if you ask me, with or without McDreamy I think Grey's might have a season or two at the most. Is a long running show, it's expensive (although if Patrick is really leaving they keep some money) so it'll be a marketing kind of decision...
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Last edited by gladluvgrey; 04-19-2015 at 09:38 PM
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