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Old 04-12-2015, 11:10 PM
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I don't know about anyone else but I'm ready for Emma to start trying to forgive her parents. I'm not saying she's not justified in being upset with them, but she's treating them like the are the worst people in the world. She's acting like this one terrible mistake erases the amazing heroes they still are. It's pretty bad what they did, but honestly I don't think in the grand scheme of this show it's qualifies as the worst thing someone has done to someone else. I know being the people she trusts most makes it worse for her, but I just hate seeing her look at them and talk to them with such disgust. They are good people with good hearts. That hasn't changed. And they were manipulated into it to some degree. It doesn't absolve them of their guilt in this, but they didn't exactly get there on their own. And I really believe that they didn't fully understand what they were doing and thought that egg was a dragon or something. They were definitely surprised it was a human baby and they had the intention to bring it back to Mal at least, the sending the baby to the real world and thus depriving Mal of her child was the author's doing through the apprentice. I mean not to down play it, Emma does have a point there, can't deny it was bad, but they also shouldn't let it destroy their relationship and their family. It is something they can get past and I'm just ready for that healing to begin. I guess it's just hard with how we're supposed to forget all the horrifying things Regina did over a long period of time, but Snowing have to be vilified on the show for the one truly terrible thing they did even though they have made every effort to be better people since then. I just don't like seeing Snowing treated like villains. Because they are not. They are human and they made a terrible mistake. Honestly this is the first flashback storyline I feel like doesn't really fit with the story we've been told thus far. But unfortunately we're stuck with it. I'm just ready to see Emma and Snowing get past this. I don't like watching them be at odds like this.

Also random question- are they ever going to turn August back into Pinocchio? He deserves his happy ending and his happy ending was to be that little boy ad grow up with his father. I know it hasn't been that long since they rescued him from Rumple and the QoD and all but I feel like they are already forgetting about him. Did Eoin or the little boy who plays Pinocchio film anything else this season?
"Love is the best thing we do" ~Ted, HIMYM"Have courage and be kind." "Where there is kindness there is goodness. And where there is goodness there is magic."~ Cinderella "Men always choose the wrong things. They stalk power and wealth and frivolous things they think will make them whole. And it never does. It never does. Choose love. Choose your own path. Those are the roads to travel." ~The Royals Icon by
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