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Old 04-07-2015, 09:55 PM
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So Blaine is running a Zombie business!? I didn't see that coming. I mean it was strange at the end of the last episode but still. He has employees and a chef WTH?

Does Liv still have feeling for Major or is it one of those things were she just isn't ready to see him move on?

I love Liz I do and her little I know Kung Fu was great. However, Liz sweetie I don't care how much Zombie Mode you have, you cannot beat Batman.

I thought it was a bit premature for Liz to jump to the conclusion that Clive was a dirty cop. Still, she hasn't known him for long. So he could really be anyone for all Liz knows.

Ravi was great undercover. He was a smooth talker in there.
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