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Old 04-06-2015, 07:10 AM
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Like I said in the Video thread I love love love your video Kris! I am gonna put in the OP. Cause it deserves to be there.

That gifset. He finally has the courage to tell her about Tom and she completely shuts down. Yet again. For both their sakes I really hope this changes everything between them. She did rush to side when he got shot. That says that she cares about him and that she is not done with me. Not even close.

Originally Posted by Lauren Helen Graham (View Post)
Miranda, so I guess the shot in the promo was an indication for what was coming but I as well never expected Red to be shot. He really seemed like a God to me sometimes, one person that can never be harmed... And then he's shot in the street right in front of the two people who care for/love him most and who are the most important to him as well. I really hope they'll pick up right where they left off.
I never saw this coming either. I was so shocked! I couldn't believe it. I just hope that Liz will what she has been doing to him these last couple months. She really need to change her attitude towards him.
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