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Old 03-31-2015, 09:12 PM
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Originally Posted by shonuff (View Post)
In real life, a baby, particularly a first baby, probably doesn't need to constantly be addressed by name. It's not like you'd be saying, for example, "hey Bella, come over here"--you don't call her by name for her own benefit at first, and there's no other baby around that she needs distinguishing from unless she's at a daycare or the like. Parents would be more likely to say "don't wake up the baby" than "don't wake up Bella." and they may drag the "can't decide on a name" thing out for several episodes.
This has never been the case with any of my friends/relatives who have children. IIRC, even between the episode where she's born and the next episode, there's a time jump of a few weeks, and there will probably be more after that. If they haven't named their child in several weeks, they shouldn't HAVE a child. I've never known caring parents to never reference their children by name. Names ARE important, and they're important immediately. Not in a few days, necessarily, but if you can't be bothered to mention your child's name more than once or twice in the first couple MONTHS of her life (or come up with one at all)- are you even seeing this baby as human, lol? Yes, people say "Don't wake the baby", but not PRIMARILY. I've NEVER known ANYONE who didn't regularly reference their baby by name irl.

I don't need to see the baby onscreen all the time. I really don't. That's a hassle. But I also don't give one flying eff about Juliette OR Avery's career if their newborn child is going to come off as afterthought onscreen, and that seems almost inevitable at this point, if she hasn't been named by the writers up to the point of writing the damn finale several episodes later. And I say this as a viewer who isn't even that invested in any characters BUT Juliette or Avery, but one thing I won't be blind to in my faves is crappy parenting.
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