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Old 03-29-2015, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by ReiKolla (View Post)
Not cool. I don't understand why BBC3 didn't try to promote it. BBC UK only seems to care for Doctor Who.
Yep and Doctor Who has been crap ever since Russell T Davies left, but it has a massive cult following in America so the BBC want to cash in on it for all it's worth.

My best guess about the treatment of OB is that since it's not produced by the British BBC then it's second to anything that is. It's like BBCA is the little sister BBC doesn't
want to hang around with, but are still obligated to, if that makes sense?

Yeah, but isn't it one of the few positive things going on right now?
True, true. Some of it is painful to recall though.

I feel like we're going to get a lot of longing looks this season.

I think it would sit quite well on BBC4, most of the people I know personally who like OB fit into BBC4's demographic.
Don't get me wrong I love BBC4. I was a Borgen/Bridge/The Killing addict, but it can be at times a bit artsy fartsy, a little snooty, whereas OB as a show is gritter and a bit more (excuse me sounding like such a grandma rn) ~hip than what you'd find on BBC4.
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