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Old 03-27-2015, 10:27 AM
Part-Time Fan
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Posts: 497
Originally Posted by parisredbeatrice (View Post)
I just checked showfax again. They revised some of the sides yesterday. I was lucky, I still got the original version, because they removed some of the scenes in the sides for Gretchen (8 pages, now only 2). They removed for example the scene where Joe and Sara arrive in a limo at the club and pop another pill. They start to feel the effect of the pill in the limo and they are loving it and each other very much.
Joe feels lighter, unburdenend and is ready to let go of work and Westgroup.
It's interesting, we only get affection and passion with them when they take drugs.
The same with the Jesse sides. 5 pages instead of 4 pages.

Also, where is the money coming from? They are in a limo and they are moving to an idyllic house in Californa. Might be from Joe's work at Westgroup.

The interesting thing about Gretchen is she tells Cameron how her family is screwed up and she didn't feel safe there. She had no one to talk too and found some help in the Mutiny community. They made her realize she can walk away. I have the feeling this might reflect a bit Cameron's backstory.
Interesting. Sara and Joe are both screwed up, so they have that in common. Sara's dad is rich, so it's probably HER money.

I'm not to excited that it seems like Season 2 has two different worlds. . Joe's world and then everyone else with Donna, Cameron and Gordon. I liked it better when the storylines were more integrated.

I'm already hating Sara and S2 hasn't started. lol I love that Donna and Cameron will interact more!
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