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Old 03-17-2015, 04:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Break the Cycle (View Post)
I agree. His anger issues are the main reason I'm not a huge fan of his, he always lets it get the better of him. While all of the characters have issues I don't think they've been as consistent and stunted as Emmett's.
That's interesting that you agree. You are both in good company.

Posts on the official Facebook page typically receive 30 or 40 comments. Something truly controversial may receive 300 or 400 posts. Six hundred is probably the most I've ever seen.

This week, Emmett received well over FIVE THOUSAND "hate" replies on one post.

No other character has received that. Not even Tank, after Black and Gray.

With that kind of momentum, we might as well ALL join the bandwagon.

It's "Let's All Hate on Emmett" party time! Woo Hoo!

Perhaps people ARE disappointed that his character is not the perfect romantic lead they expect him to be.

Being "Prince Charming" isn't easy to attain, especially when writers are trying to make your character appear human and complex.

Emmett's inability to meet THAT expectation seems to have everyone (except me) unable to see anything beyond his clay feet.

For the record, I do not believe Emmett broke up with Bay out of anger over Tank. If so, he would not have told her that they could get back together in a few years. Emmett broke up with Bay because he feels disconnected from her. Her secrets, broken promises, and the distance between them caused a lack of connection.

Personally, I'll take Emmett's brand of anger and immaturity over anyone else's on the show.
  • Travis punched two people in the face in anger. Emmett has never hit anyone.

  • Toby yanked Bay by the arm in anger. Emmett has never yanked anyone.

  • Toby assaulted Emmett, pushing him down to the ground, in anger. Emmett has never assaulted anyone.

  • Daphne assaulted Bay, pushing her down to the ground, in anger. Again, Emmett has never assaulted anyone.

  • Daphne and Bay destroyed property in anger. Emmett never destroyed property, other than lovingly putting up a billboard and timelines for Bay.

  • Daphne stole drugs. Bay stole money. Emmett has never stolen anything.

  • Daphne blackmailed a senator. Bay perjured herself. Emmett has never committed blackmail or perjury.

Does Emmett always let his anger get the better of him? REALLY?

Have none of the other characters been as consistently stunted by anger as Emmett? Is he the WORST?

Because, to me, Emmett is the LEAST stunted by anger of any other character.

Does he experience anger? Yes.

Stunted by it? No.

Still, if you look at the official Switched at Birth Facebook posts and here on Fan Forum, you realize that Emmett must be REAL IMMATURE.

He gets a pout on his face when he communicates. (That's necessary for ASL, at times.)

Emmett punched a fireplace once, injuring his hand, when his father gave up custody of him.

Can you believe that?

In fact, Emmett felt so abandoned by his father, that he followed THAT up by drinking alcohol and having sex with someone.

Can you imagine Bay or Daphne ever feeling abandoned, and then, drinking alcohol and having sex?

Yes, I can. It has happened to both of them.

But people say Emmett is the one with serious anger issues?

With over 5000 Facebook HATE posts, Emmett's anger issues must be so much worse than any of the other characters on the show, though. They have to be with that kind of vitriol.

I'm sure people are wondering how anyone (like me) could be his fan.

It's just that I don't see it. But I will admit I am fighting a losing battle defending Emmett, because people seem to have mixed feelings about him, at best, or feel he is stunted by his serious anger issues, at worst. (And those are the kind posts about Emmett, these days.)
  • Where's Noah when you need him? He makes a good romantic lead. Sure, Noah told Travis he sounds like a seal, but he had a good reason for that. And yeah, Noah hid his true feelings for Daphne from Bay, but that's only because he didn't want to hurt Bay.

  • Where's Ty? Now, THERE is a romantic lead, for you. Ty would never punch anything, well, except that one time, when he took a swing at his army buddy. But Ty IS respectful. He only calls Bay a "rich white girl" and a "princess" when he is really feeling frustrated by her. And Ty honestly regretted that he bullied Bay up onto that platform and made her jump. Besides, that experience was GOOD for Bay. She needed to break out of her comfort zone.

  • Where's Tank? Now, there is a gentleman, with romantic lead potential. True, yeah, he took a swing at Emmett, but you CANNOT blame Tank for that kind of violence. He had been drinking, and Emmett had it coming--so that makes it okay. Tank never pressured Bay or made her feel guilty for not being ready to take the next step in their relationship. Oh, wait a minute, yeah, he did. But that's okay, because he apologized for that. It's not like he just took what he wanted from Bay. Well, yeah, he sort of did, but she gave him the "drunk" okay, so you know, it's all good.

Okay, after reviewing Bay's OTHER boyfriends, I am no longer convinced that Emmett could be the one most consistently stunted by his anger issues and emotional problems.

I just do not understand why anyone would feel that way.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, though, so I will stick with mine.

I like Emmett Bledsoe.
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