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Old 03-06-2015, 05:28 PM
comic fan
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Joined: May 2003
Posts: 4,319
Finally have my copy of Angel & Faith # 12,"United Part II."

I would have gotten my comics yesterday but Maryland had a snowstorm that pretty much shut everything down and warnings to stay off the roads unless you really had to be out.

I enjoyed the issue a lot.Glad to get Koh's backstory even though having Illyria be behind Koh's being imprisoned and families death was predictable.

Still liked it though.Also loved all the Fred and Angel interactions as well as Angel and Faith.Glad to see Faith will still have her own thing going even though she's reunited with Angel.

I'm also getting the creepy vibe off Nadira.

Thought the cliffhanger was a nice place to end on.Wonder how that talk between Angel and Koh will go.

So a very solid issue IMO.
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