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Old 03-04-2015, 07:21 PM
Obsessed Fan

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Originally Posted by CityGal (View Post)

But I still think the Lily and Snowing issues + Rumple and Belle status + Will Scarlett (has to be more than just Belle??) + whatever is Hook's backstory

All of the above for now seems to need resolutions. So if the assumption is the final QOD story is concluded in 4.20 that leaves the others for the final 2 episodes and one or more is going to be the prime reason heading into the cliffhanger finale.

I agree! I'm glad QoD seem to be done by 4x20 so the focus can be on the main characters.

I'm hoping for Will we will at least learn what happened to Ana. For ScarletQueen fans these spoilers have been devastating because we thought they had a happy ending and now he is dating someone else without any explanation.

Originally Posted by fox24 (View Post)
I still like the show and there are many characters who stayed dead, Liam, billy, Ingrid, her sisters, Victors brother, Rubys Peter, Daniel, Pan, Johanna, Snowings parents, the trolls, Owen, Owen Dad, Tamara, the dragon, the village Regina distroyed, Cinderella fairy godmother, etc
You forgot Graham and Neal!

"The village Regina destroyed" lol!
I have no idea why but this made me laugh.
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