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Old 03-03-2015, 04:22 PM
Elite Fan

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Hi, I haven't been here for a long time.

Main reason was that I still miss Will on that show, and coming here reminded me too much of better times.
I know, right?

Second reason was, that I was "kicked out" or my permanent loging, and I couldn't figure out my PW for quite some time *shame on me*
heh that happened to me several times
Even if I sweared I won't watch this season, I started to do so anyway, after like the fith episode was aired.
It's hard to stay away, isn't it? Even if you know you won't like it, you just have to see what's going on. It's like breaking up with someone you used to date and going to work every day with them. You don't want to know if they're dating again but you have to ask.

I can still hardly look at alica, and I have to admit, I never started to like her again, since she betrayed Will.
I haven't had a lot of love for Alicia since season 2 but I must say that was a very bad move from the writers.

I think if I'd never seen any of the episodes bevor Will's death, I could find some joy in TGW. But so, I'm always remerbered how great this show had been, and how the started ruining everything, finalising in Will's death.
there's always this perspective that makes everything very dark.

What makes me angry the most, is, that I cannot watch old apisodes and enjoy how great Josh always played Will, and who I loved this charackter. Cause I always have to think about how that stupid plot twist dragged down the complete story (for me).
It's not just you, believe me. And the worst part is that it was so gratuitous! They just did it to get the media and people talking.

I do not care for Alicia at all. I don't care if she's going to be S.A., or not.
The moment she is starting to have an affair with this campaign manager of hers, will definitly the last moment I ever spent watching this show.
I'm very sure they could have had her without a love interest until the end of the show next season. But no, they just had to go ahead and "replace" Will with just anyone.

I don't know how most people who are watching TGW think about the show now. Does it concern most of them, that Will is gone, and how?
Does anyone her knows that?
I believe the vast majority of the audience (the ones who are considered for "ratings") don't really care about characters. They probably keep tuning in out habit and call Alicia "that politician lady" and Kalinda "the investigator" and I don't think they are as invested as we are or the ratings would have suffered.

I still wish the'd have made him find someone else, get married and lived happily ever after, and left Alicia behind, jelous and misrable forever.
that would have been my favorite exit! Sorry, shippers
Seriously though, if they were going to destroy it anyway, at least Will would have left a happy man.

"You can just call me Root, B!tch"

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