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Old 03-02-2015, 10:12 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 376
Originally Posted by HalcyonDays (View Post)
Nah - that crazy Ichabod Crane RPGer takes the cake, I would have to say. Sandra and Lunatic come in a close second.

My first thought was #NicoleBeharieDeservesBetter, only because it nicely mirrors #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter.

I just do not understand what is going on with this show. The toxicity behind the scenes and with "management" is just really bad. Like, Jon Stewart levels of side-eyeing this clusterfudge.
Yeah, I am not on Twitter but KeepitBeharie is growing so I guess this is a good thing. I have never experienced a show that is so hell bent on sabotaging it's success and treating it's leading lady so poorly. But, what about FOX stating they want a show with greater emphasis on Nicole as it's lead? Was this never the case or no longer the case? what gives? I can't imagine the cast being that tight knit as it once was if this is the kinda stuff going on behind the scenes. And, the fact Abaiers is silent is disrespectful in my book. When he wanted the fandom to watch the season finale he was very vocal and now nothing. It's as if he used us and now he does'nt give a flip--disappointing.
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