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Old 02-21-2015, 08:49 AM
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Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 50
I watch Once Upon a Time, (or at least I use to ) I LOVED Rumbelle in it's early stages. I can see some similarities between them. The older gentleman bad guy with beautiful dark hair good girl.

But personally I DON'T want Lorcisse to go the same route as Rumbelle. At least not the latest storyline that I've been hearing about Rumbelle. I really like that Lola calls Narcisse out on the crap he does a lot but tries to understand his perspective. Belle just blindly follows Rumple "believing" the good in him without calling him out. I don't want Lola to go in that route and make excuses for Narcisse. I don't want Narcisse trying to change all for a woman. I want to see it grow organically. I want to see Lola being understanding but not a pushover and putting Narcisse in his place even if it means locking him up (and she does). I want to see Narcisse recognize power and money are not everything in life and recognize the consequences to his actions and just be ruthless when absolutely necessary.

The thing that I really love about Lorcisse is that they are honest with each other (to a degree ) Narcisse even tells Lola about his blackmailing plans against Francis, when there was a high chance that Lola would turn against him (and she did later on) (Something that Rumple NEVER shares with Belle, and one that I keep getting tired of seeing and letting Rumple get away with everything) Narcisse doesn't fault her for betraying him because he recognize she's protecting her child just like he's protecting his wealth and seeking revenge on the murder of his child. He's hurt of course, but he understands that's the game you play at court. And he recognizes he messed up in 2x09, and the key part is he doesn't make excuses for himself. He just admits to Lola he F up, and it put her in danger. I like that. I want to see more of that. Lola didn't make him say it either. He saw it on his own and he fessed up to it.
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