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Old 02-05-2015, 08:30 AM
Static Waves
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Originally Posted by Heart of Rhythm (View Post)
It was ONE episode. It was the beginning. I expect them to have a lot more conversations in the next episodes and this is what I'm looking forward to. I just want to forget that first half of season and be excited about the show again! (Which I am!)
I expect that this second half is gonna be a "rehab-Rayna" second half. Which irritates me on the fundamental level that Rayna is a lead... why did we have to sacrifice her POV for Luke Wheeler for the entire first half? Why did the love for a random secondary character supress characterization FOR THE LEAD CHARACTER/TOP BILLED ACTRESS GRRRR.

Deacon on the other hand was pretty consistent in his POV even throughout sleeping with Pam, etc. But he carries so much guilt about everything (and as far as I can recall, I believe he has been the only one to "forgive" her of her wrong-doings. I don't remember her ever asking for his forgiveness, but if he has correct me if I'm wrong? I just can't remember.)
"That’s not just a series of coincidences. It’s destiny. And I never doubted you were mine.
And never doubt that all I want, forever and always, is for you to be happy."[Jane x Michael]
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