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Old 01-26-2015, 08:29 AM
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Joined: Jul 2014
Posts: 84
Originally Posted by piratewench78 (View Post)
These writers, almost in their entirety, disappoint me. Even if I don't love all the storylines, I'd just like to see continuity and cohesion and a respect for character. I don't think I've ever watched a show before that seemed to just make stuff up as it went along.

I will never forgive whichever writer it was that created that BS that Rayna never lived in Deacon's house. It was so unnecessary in terms of that convo that Deacon had with Pam and it just trashed DR's history IMO.
Don't the scripts have to be approved? How in the world did no one that read the script prior to approval and execution not catch that huge blunder? Seems like there are quite a few people not paying attention. So strange to me....
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