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Old 01-20-2015, 11:21 PM
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*stares dumbly at Irish's post, in complete and utter awe*

There's really nothing for me to add...just wow Irish! The only tidbit perhaps is the dichotomy of Bass being conflicted about the brand, which I would think to be natural for him, fighting his shame, but also his grasping/needy nature.

Tossing Connor into the story really served no purpose and just screwed a lot of things up for no reason, as he had little actionable impact on the show. It was just an awful writer insertion, that really served no purpose. He also got in the way of Bass's redemption and eliminated room for further Charloe scenes, platonic or otherwise.

Your post was just beautiful! Good night Irish...

Good night Michelle -- sorry about the internet issues! See you next week...

Originally Posted by IceonFire7 (View Post)
Irish, close your eyes...I'm gonna talk timeline.

The timeline is the thing that pisses me off the most...if he was 25, which Miles guesstimates on, in S2...and we are now 16 years after the Blackout...he was what 9 at the time of the Blackout...and we know Bass isn't a bad guy at the beginning of the Blackout...and it was three years later that he lost Shelly, so Connor is already 12...and even then, Miles is still buddies with Bass. No hiding kids at this point.

Plus, there is no way Emma would have found a way to contact them until they became the leaders of the country cause she couldn't have found them. So that's at least 5 years after the now Connor is 14, a little less likely for him to have to be hidden away and not quite the little kid they made him out to be when he went down to Mexico.

And Miles wasn't exactly thinking Bass was out of it when he was going around as the Butcher of Baltimore, was he? So we were led to believe that Bass had one act that finally pushed Miles away from him...5 years before Revo begins...but before that...makes no sense for Miles to be hiding his best friend's kid away from him. None at all.

I accept my lumps for the slow update....but the Nano didn't cause my Bass to go back in time...there...that's all I'm telling you...

And yes, I'm sorry. I posted the new story list several posts back...I'm sorry, Irish.
Definitely looking forward to your updates Icicle!

You have summed up everything about the madness of the timeline. I honestly think the writers shifted things around and rewrote so much of the show on whims of fancy, not paying attention to simple things like COMMON SENSE at all.

The entire story of sending Connor to Mexico is utterly nonsensical. It makes no sense for Emma to contact the man she cheated on (and who was then known as the Butcher of Baltimore) to hide her one-night-stand kid from the crazy baby daddy when neither of the men even knew the kid existed. How would she even get a letter through to General Matheson anyways? And neither Miles or Bass were models of morality and sane choices. Besides, wouldn't Bass have noticed Miles taking off for MONTHS and MONTHS on end to go get the kid and sneak him into Mexico and make his way back to Philly again? It's just so awful, hence why I pretty much ignore the Connor-crap, as it makes so little sense.

BTW, why is it never mentioned that Gene blames Rachel for her part in rendering the world back to the dark ages? As a doctor you would think he'd hate the way the world is. Also, does he blame her at all for his wife's death? She likely would not have died had it not been for the blackout. It's not solely Rachel's fault, but she had a hand in it and I found it odd that Gene never voiced even a hint of displeasure at what his daughter had helped create and unleash on the world.

Completely understandable if you want to go to bed Your Iciness! Just let me know when you want to go make a date with the Nyquil dreams.
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