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Old 01-20-2015, 10:57 PM
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Originally Posted by IceonFire7 (View Post)
Irish, close your eyes...I'm gonna talk timeline.

The timeline is the thing that pisses me off the most...if he was 25, which Miles guesstimates on, in S2...and we are now 16 years after the Blackout...he was what 9 at the time of the Blackout...and we know Bass isn't a bad guy at the beginning of the Blackout...and it was three years later that he lost Shelly, so Connor is already 12...and even then, Miles is still buddies with Bass. No hiding kids at this point.

Plus, there is no way Emma would have found a way to contact them until they became the leaders of the country cause she couldn't have found them. So that's at least 5 years after the now Connor is 14, a little less likely for him to have to be hidden away and not quite the little kid they made him out to be when he went down to Mexico.

And Miles wasn't exactly thinking Bass was out of it when he was going around as the Butcher of Baltimore, was he? So we were led to believe that Bass had one act that finally pushed Miles away from him...5 years before Revo begins...but before that...makes no sense for Miles to be hiding his best friend's kid away from him. None at all.
Dear God, don't even get me going on timelines and whatnot. Especially before bed. Which is where I'm off to now, ladies. Amell is off Kimmel and I need to be up in a few hours. I will, however, check back later today to see anybody's comments I missed and reply back. Also to check for the stories for next week's reading list.

And no lumps about the update. I am not a pot calling the kettle if you get my drift. I was just joshing because well I can read faster than I update. But now that you've said that you HAVE to update and 'splain. Everything. Pronto. (And then don't forget Devo, where I'm still dying for that Charloe conversation...'cuz she catches up with Bass right?!!)
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