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Old 01-09-2015, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by countrygirl44 (View Post)
Yep. I believed her. Regardless of the secrets she kept, she's really not a straight up liar. And yeah, she's got some emotional issues that she needs help with for sure and there's really only one person who can help her. Hopefully Ichabod can see that soon.
I wish he'd at least told her.. you know, 'this is not our/your fault.'

Who Abraham? I assume it's between the Pilot and John Doe. Something must have happened in that time to alert her suspicions because she wasn't sure in John Doe. She said she believed she knew why she was there.
Yeah, Abraham. The first time we heard her acknowledge that Abraham was the headless horseman was in the S1 finale. And then I guess people assumed she knew all along and didn't tell Ichabod. But I'd be curious to know when she did find out.

Witchcraft is her hobby. Its what people do when they are alone and have no one to talk to. She did talk about it in Heartless as just another role. It's certainly not enough to keep her company while she tries to deal with her new life, her husbands doubt, her son's disappearance, and her ex tied up in a dungeon with little humanity left.
It's definitely not enough.
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