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Old 01-06-2015, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by only dreaming (View Post)
Yeah they have a really good relationship, not much in S3 though right?

I'll add you.
They have a very close relationship. The scenes deleted from season 2 shown extra scenes for Thea and Laurel together. They were really important not to include

Thank you for adding me!

I'm sure that in time Laurel and Thea will find their way back to eachother. They had a very honest scene in the last episode. I just hope that the kill investigation would be kept hidden away for too long. Thea deserves to know that her father is a very manipulative man. I can imagine Laurel to understand what happened, and that it wasn't Theas fault. At first she probably won't be able to wrap her head around that, but in the end Laurel and Thea are so precious to one another

- Katie
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