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Old 12-19-2014, 10:04 PM
L i N d $ @ y
Moderator Manager

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Joined: Dec 2001
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Name The Board #33: How well do you know Fan Forum's Boards? (Round Winner: Bec)

Welcome to Name That Board!

Here are the rules:

1. When it's your turn you must give three clues about the board. (As one of your clues, please state whether it's an actor, actress, tv show, movie, or general discussion (and so on) to make it easier for newer people to play.)
2. When your asking questions, you can only ask yes or no questions.
3. You can ask two questions per post.
4. You can only guess the board once per round, so if you're wrong, you can no longer guess that round. You are still able to ask basic questions though.
5. When someone guesses it right, the person starting the game must give the reasons for the three clues.
6. The person that guesses right starts the next round.

Here's an example:


1. Death
2. Blond
3. Actor

The answer: Heath Ledger Board because...

1. He died early in life.
2. He has blond hair.
3. He was a wonderful actor.

Please make sure that the subject (actor, actress, tv show, movie... so on) has a board here at !

I hope everything is clear and if you have a question, please don't hesitate to ask!

Let's go on a clumsy cute bestie trip!
Already miss our days in Cloud Planet.

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