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Old 12-10-2014, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by mccullers (View Post)
More like since 4x02.

Lol @ the other ship if they can only happen because 1/2 of the love triangle is written off the show.
LOL Not happening. Never. Maya is more likely to come back from the dead and end up with Emily over that. Alison is asking her mother if she's going to hell in last night's episode. There's no way Emily and Alison are ending up together unless they reside in hell together.

Best case scenario: Paily decide to have a LDR and it lasts, Em goes to Stanford, then there's a time jump between S5 & S6 and in S6 Paily are still together.

I'm not gonna hold my breath.
I honestly think that's precisely what's going to happen. It doesn't make any sense that they're over for good now. None. If so, why have them reunite? TPTB could have kept them broken up or still gray. But no, they were totally back together and happier than ever. I do not think that it was to play with us. I truly believe it was to say they are endgame. I refuse to believe anything else. There's no way Emily ends up with anyone else. None. It's only Paige. That Christmas dinner might have been a cheesefest but I think it was large foreshadowing of where they'll all be when this series has concluded. Emily's with Paige. No one else.
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