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Old 12-08-2014, 07:29 AM
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♢ OITNB Survivor Thread #2: Season 1 Quote Survivor {And The Winner Is...}

Quote Survivor
-- S E A S O N O N E --

001. Vote for your least favourite.
002. A round last 72 hours.
003. The Quote getting 5 votes will be voted off. If there isn't a sufficient amount of votes a round will stay open a week. At the end of the week, the quote with the most votes will be eliminated.
004. DO NOT vote for your most favourite.
005. Have fun eliminating!



Quote 1

My mom lives with her boyfriend Paolo who destroys the rainforest and likes photorealistic art. She’s a c**t; I’m a disappointment.Nicky


Quote 2

Eliminated Round #1


Quote 3

Eliminated Round #4


Quote 4

"There's no point in playin' shy baby. You're home.” Sophia


Quote 5

What happened to your hair?” Carole
I gave it to a transsexual. For a weave.Piper


Quote 6

“Why would anyone give up being a man? It’s like winning the lottery and giving the ticket back.Figueora


Quote 7

"It’s an art piece representing the futility of blue-collar labor in a technological age. And vaginas.Nicky


Quote 8

Jesus Christ, how the ****** did you survive infancy?” Pornstache
My auntie helped my mama.” Pennsatucky
It’s a rhetorical question!


Quote 9

My name is Poussey — accent a droite, bitch!Poussey


Quote 10

You put your pee stick in my rinsing cup!John
Well, you put your pee stick in my vagina and that’s why we’re in this situation.Daya


Quote 11

"And you're not invited, because they don't allow gay people on the rapture bus!" Pennsatucky
"There's a bus?" Alex


Quote 12

My business was built on sniffing out girls like her and turning them into drug mules.
You grew up rich so you’re used to easy money, you have enough stamps on your passport to avoid suspicion,
you hate your parents, you’re in your experimental phase, all you want to do is **** a woman or a black guy,
have some adventure and still be able to afford a Birkin bag
.” Alex


Quote 13

But you’re weak. I’m like you, I’m weak too. I can’t get through this without somebody to touch, or love.
I was somebody before I came in here, with a life I chose for myself,
and now it’s just about getting through the day without crying, and I’m scared.
I’m scared that I’m not myself, and I’m scared that I am.
Other people are not the scary part of prison — it’s coming face to face with who you are.
Truth catches up in here, Dina, and it’s the truth that will make you her bitch.


Quote 14

“I don’t need any sedatives! Jesus has my back!” Pennsatucky


Quote 15

"Problems are problems. We all make bad choices. Just some of us got different bad choices to make." Tricia


Quote 16

"I thought I was like your Spock." Nicky
"My what?!" Red


Quote 17

Someone say they gonna kill you. Say it right here. [your gonna die] See, they meant "you're", apostrophe r-e.
As in, you are gonna to die. But this some ignorant bitch-ass ****.


Quote 18

All I wanted was to eat the chicken that is smarter than other chickens and to absorb its power.Red.


Quote 19

Oooh. Maria might be in labor. Could you Google symptoms? They're taking bets. If I guess closest to the birth time I could win a Twix.Piper.


Quote 20

Eliminated round #3


Quote 21

"I'm not you wife." Piper
I threw my pie for youCrazy Eyes


Quote 22

Wait shawty you want a book to read or a step tool? Cause I tell u right now you aint stepping on the goblet of fire.Taystee.


Quote 23

Eliminated Round #2


Quote 24

[about her ring]"What are you doing? You can't put that in your pocket, it's going to end up in the bottom of the washing machine." Piper
"Okay, um, where would you like me to put it then?" Larry
"Up your ass."
"There's no room, apparently my head's already up there."


Quote 25

"It doesn't feel right to be eating while she's in there." Alex
"Straight girls. They'll ***** you up every time." Nicky

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