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Old 11-12-2014, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by maplezbear (View Post)
This was a good episode to have air on Veteran's Day.

I know it happens, but it's just sad how people take advantage of others with anything, but especially when it comes to dog tags or other items from soldiers like that.

Really liked how the case took them to Vietnam to not only catch the bad guy but also to bring home the body of Sergeant Kent. It was nice that Bishop figured out the clue to help find him.

I liked that blow up between Gibbs and Bishop. I mean, we knew he was going easy on Bishop, but it was nice for them to give us an explanation. Poor Gibbs for blaming himself for Kate and Ziva. Glad that Gibbs will treat her like the others now.

Tony and the cat. Felt a little bad for Tony when Rick Blane ran away He got so attached to him. Also love that he still has Kate and Ziva the fish.

Never get tired of McGee and Abby thinking the same things and saying them at the same time Loved that Palmer was there with them and how he was excited when they figured it out

Loved the Ducky scenes.

The whole thing with the e-val scores was interesting.

The only thing in this episode I thought was odd was how quickly the case was solved. I felt like it was solved pretty quickly and the other bad guy gave up to easily. Maybe that's just me. I dunno, I just felt like there was something a little off with the episode and that's the only thing I can think that it was. Otherwise, it was a great episode.
agree with that.

tony made sure that kate and ziva were safe before he left the house - liked that.

thought we would see him with the cat, now it is too late.....

good thing that tony and mcgee didn't tell her what the score means.

"the lower your score the more potential gibbs thinks you have" (palmer)

tony 58, mcgee 62

"doing things different now. high score means you did good" (gibbs)

bishop 82

what does that mean? he thinks she has more potential than tony and mcgee????? i thought no one is better

but i liked how tony and mcgee left the room before gibbs had the conversation with bishop.

tony: i got to get a thing for my thing."
mcgee: i'm gonna help him with that thing."
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