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Old 11-07-2014, 08:54 AM
pervy minion
Elite Fan

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Charles woke up in Gina's bathroom wearing a blankie which had a unicorn picture on it. He was startled by his own reflection in the mirror. Gina was wearing Charles' favourite Galoshes and apron. They spent all morning arguing about their parents who were visiting them to talk about the dance group. Jake thought that Floorgasm had a misunderstanding during last week when they had a rehearsal, but they actually made a pact to avoid fights with other dancers. Rosa and Holt were investigating a kidnapping when a perp grabbed a knife and stabbed himself. Amy observed while Jake was flirting with Sophia, she became used to the feeling of discomfort of being jealous. She strived for a chance to get a drink at the bar but Teddy didn't know if she was serious until she lost the necklace he had given her. They broke up because Amy didn't feel anything anymore towards him. Terry heard what was going on between Jake and Amy and decided something had to be done, so he plotted a scheme to get them alone and solve their sexual tension. He booked a flight to Paris and tricked Jake into getting him a present for a birthday that will prove to him that Amy never wanted to date Teddy. The plan was working until Teddy discovered about it and went berserk. He punched the wall of Amy's apartment and stormed out looking like ****. He was
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