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Old 11-04-2014, 04:28 PM
ursa major
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Originally Posted by Myna (View Post)
I stand corrected, you are absolutely right. That episode was all about Abbie. I think we would all appreciate an episode like that again, it's been awhile, so long that I know I totally forgot about that. It's really been ALL CRANE ALL the time now, especially with the addition of JN as Henry (who I love), but since he was outed as their son, that's pretty much been the entire focus. There haven't been any stand alone Abbie-centric episodes *yet* this season like the Sandman while several of the past episodes have been either about either 1 or more of the Cranes.
I agree. This is needed. From what I understand, the writers do more exploration of Abbie's past with regards to her mother. I hope that episode comes soon and is not in anyway related to Katrina and Crane.

How are you! it has been awhile. Funny you bring up Merlin, I just watched the final 2 episodes this past weekend because I knew what ultimately would happen and I couldn't bear to watch until now lol [/b]
No need to be embarrassed. It was a tough, and disappointing ending to watch. If it makes you feel any better, I used to rewatch the earlier seasons all the time because I loved the show so much, but after seeing the series finale I haven't had the heart to revisit the show at all.

I actually like Nick. I just feel like the show did a better job in the past of giving the lead characters the most focus and sharing the rest of the focus amongst the secondary characters. Other than a couple of episodes that were used to usher in Nick's character, we've now seen him as much as Jenny now and that is to say, not very much! Neither were even in last nights episode unfortunately. I really feel like the show is gearing up to be mainly about the Cranes but I'm hoping I'm wrong
Good point. As you said, I think the reason why last season worked so well was because Abbie and Ichabod were the center of the show and everyone else revolved around them. Now it's kind of like Ichabod and his family are the center of the show and everyone revolves around them. There is way too much Henry. The story worked so much better last season when the villains of week were a residual effect of the Horseman coming to life. I believe it was even said in one episode, that Sleepy Hollow would be a magnet for evil and the supernatural due to the Horseman and the Witnesses. Having Henry be behind every single evil thing that happens and then throwing on the family connection to Ichabod is just too much. Like you, I do hope this doesn't go the family way of the Cranes. Otherwise I'll have to abandon ship. Now that Katrina is home maybe the show will get back to Abbie/Crane and the apocalypse.

I couldn't believe how dismissive of Abbie's thoughts and feelings Ichabod was last night and how he basically mocked her by saying "let's take a vote" that was uncalled for IMO. Then she of course had to save the day!
Oh I know! But he pretty much did the same thing in the episode when they raised the Kindred. Abbie clearly had valid reservations about this, but all Crane could see was what he wanted which was to rescue Katrina. Ultimately, it ended up being a plan that wasn't worth the risk since Katrina decided to stay with the Horseman despite Abbie risking her life to save her.
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