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Old 10-27-2014, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Randysgirl (View Post)
What's that I hear?
Never fails.

I think my only complaint about this episode is that it didn't really advance the plot much. Except for the brief moment with the Snow Queen.

But that is also kind of a good thing. I am glad that they spent the time to show Emma and Regina establish where they stand now. Really, this is the first time in someone's life that Regina has had a friend that is choosing to fight for her. I think Emma sees that she could have been Regina if she had let herself give in to anger. It obviously reminded her of the time she didn't give someone a second chance. And the promo makes it look like they are working together in the next episode.

Originally Posted by CityGal (View Post)

But what irks me the most is the need for Emma to beg Regina for her friendship! Emma doesn't need Regina to be her friend. Emma doesn't need to show forgiveness. If the parallel is to teen!Emma unwilling to forgive Lily, then it better be a foreshadowing to Hook's withholding actions and secrets from the previous episode that might arise in the future, certainly not from Regina.
Yes. I have to say, if they even dare to show that Emma can't forgive Hook after she is begging Regina to be her friend then I don't know what to think.
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