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Old 10-27-2014, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Rhonwen (View Post)
I didn't like it but I kind of understood it. Emotions hardly ever make sene, and certainly can't be controlled. Especially when you can't fidn a way to make sense of your situation. Regina , and yes it's mostly her own fault. Has been denied love again. She's never been happy really since her mom killed (ugh!! his name is stuck in my head!!) and now she has a chance to not only have Henry love her, but a new love in her life. It was taken, Regina knows deep down inside that it's not Emma. But her emotions are such a mess and instead of her reverting to the standard I'll kill and get my happiness she's resigned to do the right thing and save Marian. But she's hurt and angry so she's lashing out at Emma.

Is it right? No. I tihnk it's all emotion and no common sense. Regian needs a vent and Emma is it. Emma seemed to understand and allowed Regina to use her to unleash her hurt and anger. /
It's still nto right, but that's how I interpretted it. If it continued after this then I woudl want Emam to lash back and set her mind striaght.

does that make sense?
To the bolded part, I get that. I understand the Regina is hurt and it seems from her POV repetitive from the same family, so if the character needed to lash out I could live with it.

But what irks me the most is the need for Emma to beg Regina for her friendship! Emma doesn't need Regina to be her friend. Emma doesn't need to show forgiveness. If the parallel to teen!Emma unwilling to forgive Lily and subsequent present lesson learned, then it better be a foreshadowing to Hook's withholding actions and secrets from the previous episode that might arise in the future, certainly not from Regina.

Emma and Regina need to amicably co-exist for Henry and the town's sake because clearly Rumple is a common foe to them both. Yes, the women should work together out of necessity as well as Regina mentoring Emma in magic, but friends? Uh, no.

The relationship between Regina and Snow is an entirely different scenario, and as another poster (Randysgirl, I think) wrote, Snow and Charming have repeatedly shown forgiveness to Regina. So the mere fact that it is Regina who is, now, unable or unwilling to treat Snow/Charming's daughter in-kind speaks volumes about the redemption arc her character still needs to undertake.

Sorry to her fans, but I shed no tear for Regina.
Christine • icon: • ♥

Last edited by CityGal; 10-27-2014 at 10:17 AM
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