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Old 10-23-2014, 04:02 PM
Almeida's Army
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Originally Posted by CommanderM (View Post)
He would have been better recieved than John Hurt's incarnation which was created to replace him, or so I've heard.
Totally disagree. John Hurt in one ninety minute performance than Eccleston did in his entire era. Hurt was absolutely terrific. Pointless, yes, and I'd have much rathered Paul McGann for continuity purposes, but Hurt was absolutely superb.

Originally Posted by CommanderM (View Post)
I was a huge fan of Eccleston and I can appreciate his reasons for not doing the special, but still wish he could have put certain things aside and done it.
Again, disagree. As I have said countless times before, he was quite frankly being arrogant- I mean, he says about 'not wanting to work with certain people when he was in the show'... well its a different production team, so that argument doesn't wash in regards to returning to the show 7 years later. From what was said from the BBC, despite his denials that this was the case, that it was typecasting. Now if he wanted to put the typecasting rumour to bed once and for all, then he should have done the 50th. He didn't, which takes any credibility to the 'Politics of 2005 Doctor Who' argument, so it must be typecasting. That, added with the fact that he refuses to do conventions or fan based stuff and the fact he just stayed for one series, just confirms the typecasting theory in my eyes. I mean, only he knows for sure, but all the pieces fit. But as I didn't like he wasn't a good Doctor in my eyes and I'd have much prefer the series continue in 2005 with Paul McGann's excellent portrayal, so it was no great loss for me, but for continuity sake, Chris should have participated in the 50th. But then again, all the Classic Doctors should as well. Difference is, they weren't given the chance to, something that I'll never forgive Moffat for...
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