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Old 10-23-2014, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Cannibal_Princess♔ (View Post)
Well tbh, i haven´t seen some episodes so, maybe that´s why. That does makes sense because if she loses and she did, her TL that would mean she would be alone. If Robin Hood didn´t had a family and a TL (like you said, him losing his wife), i could support the idea but keeping a family apart i don´t like because it also makes Regina look like those woman who destroy a home.

Not only they are changed but also, Robin Hood didn´t had a family back then and he does now. The writers can´t simple erase all the life they have built with other people just to create another ship.

Rumpel was supposed to be the worst of them all and that´s why he was/is in every character´s story. But he´s a pussy pants now -.-

Hum, makes sense but is the only thing they have in common .
I place too much of my own logic sometimes and let's not forget the OUaT writers are the same ones that did Lost (and that thing was a convoluted mess. I barely lasted 2 episodes of it) so my entire opinions can be completely wrong,

My only hope is that the man with the lion tattoo ISN'T Robin, but another member of the army or whatever it is he was in until he left and became a thief. Regina only saw a broad back and the tattoo afterall and not his face...

I don't like women that break up marriages any more than I like the men that cheat with them and allow them to break the marriage/family. If Robin truly loved his wife, he would have told Regina that (and mean it, instead of acting like a two timing a*hole). Heh... Didn't David do the same in season 1? Sure he was cursed but it is kinda ironic how the cursed MM/David acted like the uncursed Regina/Robin.

He is... I used to love Rumple and now I just sigh and wait for his scenes to end... He lost me when he made a big speech about having both Neal and Belle and then ignored his son in favor of his girlfriend.

I never said they have more things in common, I think. It's the most prominent feature of both couples and I was talking about that with a girl at work so when we talked about the pros/cons of Rumple-Belle I remembered that conversation

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