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Old 09-24-2014, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by warangel88 (View Post)
I never said he should be excuse/free pass for his actions. I don't think Redemption arc truly equals that, despite what some many believe.

But I do think he needs to see a therapist or w/e,(Fitz as well because I don't think he is getting better). Actually realize that what Garrett did to him was abuse, and to find out who he is. But right now he seems to be following the same path that made him follow Garrett.

Why not suggest this for most of the characters? Why only Ward? Why is it so important that Ward, more than anyone else, be redeemed? Because he's the show's personification of the Alpha Male? I never understood the obsession with him.
"The term 'Black Magic' was originally a reference to the type of 'magic' (spiritual beliefs) done by people who were black and because of the racism of the time - 'Black=Bad'; we find the current idea of black magic meaning magic that is either bad, evil, or lesser." That is just wrong on so many levels.
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