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Old 09-24-2014, 04:14 AM
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Originally Posted by isis1948 (View Post)
Hi Down Under! Your profile name is too long. Have to say I love your description of Big Jim!! Please continue to post.
G'day and thanks. And Jim definitely blew a gasket this time.

When I said I was a bit surprised about how Rebecca was killed off, it more out of character for the show. Quite a few people got shot, Angie got smacked with a shovel (but we didn't really get to see that), the preacher's hearing aid exploded in his head but Rebecca getting hit with the hammer was pretty visual. Then again, SK finds weird ways for people to die or get murdered.

Originally Posted by isis1948 (View Post)
I do feel you're right about Zenith as I said earlier. It would be weird if they ended up in outer space or something like that. The resolution in the book brought in the alien factor which I thought very odd - even for SK, but that's just me.
I haven't read this book but I have got or read most of his others. I think there was a book called The Tommyknockers which had an alien thread through it.

Originally Posted by JoJoF92 (View Post)
I suppose it could be but what about the other people? Zenith isn't their home. I don't know, I kinda hope it holds some hidden meaning
Again, I haven't read this book but one of the other threads that needs to be tidied up is Barbie and Melanies dad and the fate of the egg. There will have to be some sort of rescue. And Zenith is the place where Pauline hid out, the location of the obelisk and where some of those in Chesters Mill have families.

Originally Posted by JoJoF92 (View Post)
btw, it's Kevin is it? nice to see ya here I love your icon "-you drew my face on a melon? -what else was I supposed to draw your face on? -nothing. don't draw my face." best
Yep, and I am impressed. You picked the show, the episode and the quote. Kudos
I'm not fist pumping...
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