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Old 09-19-2014, 09:37 PM
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Jane needed to say "I love you" to Lisbon.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree completely. That needed to be said. Like Jane said, Lisbon deserved to hear it, especially since he had taken it back last time.

the whole scene is a very OOC moment for Jane - and that's kind of the whole point. He's finally come to a personal epiphany that causes him to do some really crazy things - crazy even for Jane.
I think just saying "I love you" was radical enough to show that he wanted it enough, and a big moment for him. He didn't need to do the whole rom-com chasing the plane scenario. The Mentalist just doesn't seem like that kind of show. I'm not going to complain, I LOVED that scene, but it was just a bit off, not only for Jane, but for the style of the show.

Yeah I'd have liked more clues. They'd talked in articles so much of how strange it feels to realize that the person you have been platonic with so long is someone you have fallen in love with. So I wish there had been some sort of acknowledgement of that.
A couple of real flirting scenes would've been nice. Because the ones they had were pretty ambiguous.
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