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Old 09-02-2014, 04:39 PM
Robber's Daughter
New Fan
Joined: Aug 2014
Posts: 52
It was rushed to me too. Not only this, though. I feel many plot lines were rushed. It may be because it's only 8 episodes and so many characters. That is why Matthew and Mary made so much sense when it had the time to develop. Uh, I miss them really. I keep re-watching and they had such a beautiful development. I loved them. Now when I re-watch, especially season 2, and I see what a huge difference Matthew brought to Mary, it makes my heart sing. It's my most favorite season, I think. Or is quickly becoming the most favorite (although I love the first episode of season 3 with the wedding!). Well... as matthew said once, we must accept this is the end. But it wasn't for them and I keep hoping for s movie.
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