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Old 08-27-2014, 05:46 AM
Robber's Daughter
New Fan
Joined: Aug 2014
Posts: 52
I think Fellowes originally developed the whole thing for three seasons which is why everyone's contracts were for three seasons and which is more like British series, they don't go forever usually. Then the money started flowing and, of course, money talks, ratings talk, and Fellowes had to drag it. I think they will drag it for as long as it brings money and not in the best interest of the quality, as it usually happens. IMO, of course.

Hi courtneybangelcakes I'm also new here but obviously a big M/M fan and re-watching the first three seasons regularly. I actually love season 2 very much... I sometimes felt Matthew give way too much to Mary in season 3 and I was yelling at him. LOL
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