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Old 08-15-2014, 12:51 PM
Kendra Luehr
Obsessed Fan

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Originally Posted by Miss Graham (View Post)
It's a beautiful song. I think I've never heard of this band but I enjoyed the melody. Smallestshrike's is so cuute! Have you seen a pic of her? I'm in love with her green (?) hair.

Don't complain about Will/Abigail contact in s1 cuz you know what we got in s2. I miss those old days. Ugh! I loved that scene cuz she's the first person who truly understand him. She isn't even a psychiatrist! She barely knew him and was able to read him so well. And he felt that too. When you look back you can understand why he wanted a connection with her. *all the feels*

I heard it on the way home on my iPod and got all "gooey" with feels. Here's "It Don't Matter to Me":

I love that one too, because it's very fitting of them when it says:

There'll always be an open room waiting for you
An open heart waiting for you
[...] Your happiness is all I want
For you to find peace, your peace of mind

Uh-oh, I'm getting feels again...

I only know the band thanks to my dad. One day he sent me a link to one of their albums on YT and was all, "Here, listen," and I fell in love with a lot of the songs. They're a pretty good band! ^^ I used them three times for my fanmixes. One of them was for Will/Beverly, but it could work for Abigill, too:

I need to stop sharing this band, sorry. Another beautiful song by them is called "Diary," and it makes me sad for the guy since at the end he realizes the girl had been writing about being in love with another man. It's so pretty, though! Alright, THAT is the last song I'm sharing, I swear!

Nooo, I don't think I have! I think I might've seen a pic of her on her non-RP blog, but I don't remember her having green hair... I used to want to have blue and purple hair, but I never did. xP

Oh, I know -- looking back it was great, but I was still pouty since they ignored the Abigill relationship in favor of Hannigail. That's another reason the whole Mischa thing sucked, because they took away from the canon Abigill friendship. I wanted them to be friends like in the book, dammit! And if their hospital talk from the book was supposed to be the one in 1x12, I'll feel cheated. T_T They never truly got to discuss Hannibal or their vices, so I'd really like to see that someday. And if she's dead, maybe we could get them talking in a mind palace scene, though I highly doubt it. -.-

I always felt that way, cuz Will seemed drawn to her beyond the "blood bond" they shared in the kitchen. Speaking of blood bonds, Hannibal cut Will and Abigail with the same knife, so some of his blood was mixed with hers...I doubt that was intentionally symbolic, but it is to me. Owowow, my heart. I'm wondering if Will is going to be traumatized by this, because if she's his Mischa like Bryan said, and Mischa was the most traumatic point of Hannibal's life, I'm wondering how it's going to affect him. If Abigail's alive, it obviously won't be so bad, but if she's dead, I think it'd realistically have a devastating impact on his life. But since Bryan doesn't seem to want to dwell on anything other than Hannigram, Will might shed one tear, and then that'll be it.

I know that... :/ It sucks, and was especially bad during S1. The only good thing to come from the finale is people don't seem to ship/like the Murder Family as much anymore (and Will/Abigail fics with Abigill on their own are more common), so if the three of them are mentioned, it seems to be one-sided. The two that've popped up lately are Hannigram with Abigail tossed thoughtlessly in the middle as an afterthought. The bad thing about having a producer ship an abusive ship is definitely that everyone considers his bullsh&t canon, and that the ship's "ok" and "great" because he says so.

Forgot to mention, but I was looking through screen caps of 1x3, and the blocking seems symbolic in the antler room since Hannibal's lingering in the background, but he looks like he's physically between Will and Abigail. That was basically a precursor for everything in the future, because he was ALWAYS there. -.- I'm glad that changed in S2, but it was only by default since she wasn't even on screen most of the time. T_T I'm so not looking forward to her role in S3... I just know we won't have any scenes at all, and then our ship will die.
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