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Old 08-11-2014, 07:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Dacrown (View Post)

Yes, the board closing was unexpected to say the least...but I asked the administrator to move our thread to this board and now we have it So it's not that bad

I love it too, it's from the song Center of Attention and the whole lyrics fit them a lot

Yep, I read that...can't say that I'm mad(that's like what they always say, pushing Jemily and yet we get the most meaningful scenes in the end)however I disagree. All that you said and that shipper said is 100 % accurate and we can only hope writers will acknowledged that one day I think they are in denial tho They just don't want to say that Nolan is the one who always "picks up her pieces" because this would just bring up the most logical question:Why are they not together still? Why date Jack/Aiden/whatever random person they are going to write in? And the fact itself would just tear to pieces all the "wonderful and unbreaking" connection she ever had with anyone else tbh

Sorry, I've been MIA but I was on holidays, just came back ^^

I can't believe it's really closed But I'm glad we at least still have this thread, it was my favorite one anyway

Haha, I'm so completely mad It's like they're forgetting one of their most important character which is Nolan and it doesn't make any sense! Jack has NEVER ever been there for Emily!! He almost told her true identity to everyone at the beginning of the 3rd season and used her own feelings against her! While I understand why he was mad at her at that moment, I still think he over reacted! Even when Padma died or when Emily was about to show Tyler's relationship with Nolan to the world, even when he had to give up his enterprise for her or when he had to go to prison for her, he NEVER gave up on her! And this article is SO UNFAIR I can't believe it! So yes, I guess that admitting that Nolan is really the one "picking up the pieces" is like admitting that he's the love of Emily's life and I guess they don't want to do that
"I did want to take your hand. Ben’s hand!"
#FrankensteinMonsters, #NemilyForever
Thanks to Jade for the icon!!
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