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Old 04-13-2004, 04:36 AM
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Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 732
I've never seen a beginning and end of a relationship done so beautifully. Most of the time, I get upset, but this time, I was upset in a happy-omg-I'm-gonna-cry way.

The last scene conveyed truth and honesty. Madison was genuine when she finished Ephram's line about never being just friends, 'they were just... in love." And once again, Ms. Lancaster had to stand there looking all angelic-like. Ugh!

Originally posted by Terpsichore:
<STRONG>I can't believe it's over.

The episode was perfect. The fight, the Delia/Madison scene, the last Ephison scene. Oh god, especially the last Ephison scene. It was so beautifully done. When they kissed their last and final goodbye kiss, I totally lost it. I don't think I've ever cried this much. I miss them so much.

They changed each other's lives. He'll NEVER forget her and she'll never forget him. And we'll never forget their beautiful relationship.

I still have hope though, one day, we'll get a reunion!</STRONG>
I can't believe it's over too. And Irv's narration was just so appropriate. It described what happened to both of them.

"A heart is a fragile thing. That's why we protect them so vigorously, give them away so rarely, and why it means so much when we do. Some hearts are more fragile than others. Purer, somehow. Like crystal in a world of glass, even the way they shatter is beautiful."


"You're not unhappy with your life; you're just annoyed that everyone around you is incompetent."
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