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Old 07-30-2014, 04:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Randysgirl (View Post)
I think I would prefer a story that involved Henry seeing the hand in Gold's shop and wanting Rumple to give it back to Hook. No blackmail, nothing like that. Henry has been such an important part of building bridges between the characters, it would be great to see him make that attempt with Hook and Rumple. Maybe when Hook changes to modern clothes, Henry wants to help him look less pirate-y. It could be interesting if that transition is difficult for Hook (losing all of those pirate characteristics at once) and we see the struggle with that. (It's also one step closer to Hook and Rumple being able to have that little leather shop... )
LOL at the leather.

I don't see Henry blackmailing Gold. He may ask him to give the hand back though. That would be nice. I bet Gold would do it grudgingly.
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