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Old 07-21-2014, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by twilightfan14 (View Post)
ok-I just might do that. I've never been into fan fic
but for this, I just might try it. I might like it.
I tried to read a Twilight fan fic once and well, not a fan of it.
They twist it so much it's just plain weird. And or R rated.
Or X-Rated
Yeah, some of the ones we will read and/or re-read are definitely R or X-rated. I can let you know when we pick the weeks selection what the rating will be. The one we chose for this week, White Rabbit, does have very mature moments. I wish I could tell you exactly where those moments are so you could skip them because the rest of the story is just fabulous. And it stems off from Dreamcatcher in a very interesting way. But, yeah, this has places that are X-rated if I remember correctly. Can you tell I need to re-read this one?

But there are some that follow the show quite closely and are rated T for teen, mostly because of swearing and some violence. I write fanfic and all the Revo ones I've posted so far are only rated T. And there are plenty more like that. Some are nothing more than a lost scene from the show, or a scene the writer would have liked to have included.

But we will definitely keep you posted and let you know ratings and synopsis of the fic. Feel free to join in whenever you want and if it's not your cup of tea, no worries. But you are always welcome to pick and choose if there are some weeks you want to read and some not.

At least we're getting some more posters for the forum!
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