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Old 07-12-2014, 04:23 AM
Elite Fan

HazelEyes008's Avatar
Joined: May 2013
Posts: 40,081

Kindered Spirits. If it can be broken, it can be fixed.

My Captain swan tattoo. Its perfect. Everything i wanted it to be.
It represents being able to have someone pull you from a dark place,
someone who would give up everything just to be with you,
someone who would got to ends of the earth for you. I want that.
I want a man the way killian looks at emma.
Like in his 300 years of living, she was the reason he kept going.
She was the light house to his ship, guiding him to her. Guiding him home.
A hero would come back | Colin's Retweeted
"Our story began on the beanstalk" ♥ "We fought for our love, and we won"
"But one thing is for sure, love...with you, i have everything...
a happy beginning now is ours" ♥

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