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Old 07-03-2014, 07:34 AM
stormy eyes
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I'm bringing Richie's Recap over here for anyone who is trying to catch up...

Originally Posted by xEJx (View Post)
^Likely the only showmance of the season

Fans looking to ship two guys together have their share of choices this season. Very open group of guys with each other. Dont like Caleb for a variety of reasons, but he has been great with Frankie and I dont think anyone saw this happening after what he wrote on his instagram.

"when she came in with tears in her eyes, and i just held her. it felt so great"- ...Guess who said this?

Amber, PauPau, Jocasta and Brittany finally talked game. Mostly about Devin. Brit told Amber that she would find it hard to speak to her because she was afraid of the convo getting back to Devin and Caleb. All the girls think that Devin has to go and that it would be best for Amber's game.

Before this, Pau Pau and Amber were talking. Pau Pau was saying that her gut was right about Devin and that her gut is now saying something about Cody. She thinks Cody is working with the guys. Amber questioned her about which guys, but the feeds then cut away before she answered. Pau Pau thinks Cody will be a big target soon because he is close with all the girls and he is competitive. Amber also said she doesnt trust Brittany much.

2:38am cam 1/2 funny moment where Cody calls Brittany out for doing her hair before going to sleep. She gets on him for acting so brave in front of everyone and he caves and back tracks hard. So obvious he likes her.

2:55am cam 3/4 Hayden is standing over a sleeping Devin trying to find space to lay down and scares Devin by accident. I gave myself a headache from laughing You could tell Hayden, Cody and Zach were holding in there laughter until Devin left the room. Wish the cam had stayed on them.
I'm definitely going to have to FB to both of those things. And I'm glad that girls are finally talking game. Being that I like Cody, I don't love that Paola has his number but I'm pretty impressed that she noticed that. I don't think I've heard (could have missed it) anyone else think of him as a threat, and she's exactly right. Damn, Paola of all people!

I'm floored by what happened with Devin last night. He is SO BAD AT THIS GAME but if he's now target #1, that is amazing news.

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