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Old 06-07-2014, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by mmmbacon (View Post)


Enzo wanting to be buddies with Damon was so stupid. It was just an excuse for Damon to be a killer again and give DE angst .


I don't think Enzo is really Klaus 2.0 - he's pretty unique in his own way. He's not completely diabolical and power hungry like Klaus . I think if they did pair up Enzo and Caroline I could like it, but damn him and Bonnie had some heat between them. Girl is in need of a better relationship cause I don't see the fuss over her and Jeremy.
That gif fits the convo so perfectly
But Klaus really needs to make a list because I doubt he has as many friends as he thinks he does. Poor bb.

I hated that whole SL... I like Enzo, but when he was with Damon and all that drama just bored me.

Exactly!!! I liked Enzo's scene with Caroline, but at the same time, I loved Ghost!Enzo/Bonnie.... so I could root for either. I will be happy to just to see them interacting again.

Originally Posted by mmmbacon (View Post)
I think Caroline needs some fun though. Putting her with Stefan would be a huge mistake so I am pro her and Enzo hooking up until the writers come to their senses and listen to all you KCers .


Klaus' list of friends - you would have to tell him he can't include anyone compelled, sired, or dead. That list would be shrinking fast .
on the pro her/Enzo part I think they would make a HOT couple!!
Yeah, he probably added those to the list

Originally Posted by rocky845 (View Post)
So would I. The only people I can think of right now are Marcel, Stefan and Caroline.

This would be Klaus if we told him that: . I'm sure he has had friends. We just haven't been introduced to them yet.


I just found this gif and I love it!
^ that's probably the whole list

Loved the gif and so accurate!!! We gotta use it more often
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