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Old 05-28-2014, 04:36 PM
fly me to the moon
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BJoy/Haley #427: Getting ton of pics of her daily, always get goodies and so much more!

Welcome to the 427th Bethany Joy/Haley James Scott Appreciation Thread!

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“Who or what would you say has been your greatest inspiration when it comes to your music?”

Well, I have a lot of artists inspirations like Billy Joel and Patty Griffin and you know, Carol King and James Taylor and uh Elton John. A lot of kind of old School artists although Patty Griffin is pretty recent. But mostly I just get inspired by what is happening in my life and all kinds of music that inspires me and I want to write something that is similar to that. That is usually what I get into. But I feel my inspirations are kind of changing a little bit right now so we’ll see what comes from that.

“Do you have any advice for a girl who wants to be an inspiring musician and wants to pursue a music career? What would you say to her?”

I think I’d probably would just tell her that music is something that is in you which you probably already know and just know that even if the career doesn’t take off you can still touch with your music. I mean, even if you’re, you know, working a job at Starbucks or you know, working a desk job, you can still touch people with your music in a lot of different ways, you just sort of have to figure out where you’re supposed to be. So don’t pursue it just for the sake of having a music career because that’s really tough but if you feel like you are supposed to be there and you have a passion for it then pursue it with no expectations and just enjoy the blessings and what you read from that. I would say just you know, figure out what you wanna do and then figure out a way to make money off of it. That’s something that my mom told me so I kind of hold on to that.

“I’ve been a fan of yours for a while and I was wondering which skin care you use?”

I kinda bounce back and forth. Right now I’m using a skin care line called Jurlique, J U R L I Q U E. I really love it it’s really gentle on your skin and I also use Lamere for a little while but it’s, there’s something in the process how they make it that is difficult for some skin so I think my skin got a little sensitive for a while. I pretty much just make sure I take care of my skin. I get facials once a month and you know, wash my face before I go to bed and in the morning and pretty basic routines.


i'm trying,
but it won't stop!

Steph/credit: My Kind Of Crazy
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