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Old 05-21-2014, 09:09 AM
brave princess
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Originally Posted by Maud&Danny (View Post)
I've seen the episode with a few friends a few days ago and most of them didn't see anything romantic about that particular moment. One of them even said it was the nuts effect (I'll give him nuts lol) So I'm not quiet sure about what you're saying. I mean sure as a shipper I want to believe that it had a double meaning, that it was indeed the start of something and I can still remember Bellamy's face as he touches her but then shippers usually have shippers glasses LOL So I don't know I'm me it's all about showing that their dynamic is changing but not necessarily in a romantic way. At least not right now. But who knows?
I've seen the "oh it was the nuts" comment before but they intentionally went that extra step to have Bellamy move behind her to show her how to hold the gun (the only thing better than that is if she had been holding a golf club and he'd been "helping" with her swing from behind her ) and for them to have physical contact and for Bellamy to react to touching and staring at her. That's the one moment that they've had this season so far that, for me, had any sort of romantic undertones to it. It wasn't much but it was there, IMO.

I guess your friend didn't see it that way. Doesn't mean that I'm seeing things with shipper goggles on though...

Originally Posted by ring of fire (View Post)
Me too. That was the scene that made me ship them. I got interested in them in 1x02 when Bellamy held her arm but that scene in 1x03 sold them to me.
So you started liking them with the Brave Princess line, huh? The tension and conflict in that episode between them was made of gold. And when I saw the season promo I remember hoping that the person who saved Clarke when she fell into the pit was Bellamy and then in 1x02 I got confirmation that it was.
we need each other, bellamy
the only way we're going to get through this is together
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