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Old 05-02-2014, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by alramse (View Post)
Completely understandable. We are very spoiled compared to some of the other ships in this fandom, yet it is never enough! It will never be enough because there is something about Snowing that just keeps you wanting more. And I too am far too emotionally invested in this ship to ever walk away without seeing everything they have to show me!
We are SO spoiled! But I'm never fully satisfied! I need more and more and more!!!!! Never ever walking away from this ship now that I've found it!

I can believe its only 2 more days til the next episode. I am honestly still processing this past one! I think thats the sign of a really great episode. I'm still not done talking about it. Everytime I've watched it, and that has been alot, I've seen something else or noticed something that made it want to watch it again so I could analyze the scenes with all the new information. That was a Catch-22 too?
Yeah, it was a great episode! This thread has never been this busy, while at least not whip I've been here! And that's all due to this amazing episode! I watched it so many times and I melt every time! Then we're getting a new one in just 2 days with the baby's birth and Charming gallantry! So spoiled right now!
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