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Old 04-11-2014, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by iluvtorun (View Post)
Ohhhhh, i get it. So no one knows...Slade doesn't know he has a daughter. So siredtodamon, he wouldn't be on any flashbacks with her. Still not sold though. But i agree, if walter does die, we have a winner.

Does slade die at the end of the season? He must, or early in S 3, bc Oliver says in 2x18, it's been 5 years. So as much as i doubt that all these characters are going to die....both sara and slade have fast approaching expiration dates on the island.

But that begs the question....wallar knew of slade. Which means she most likely interacts with them on the island. OR i suppose it's possible she was involved in sending him in the first place??

I dunno

Watched 2x18 again tonight with hubs...things to make you go hmmm again. Maybe just another parallel, or maybe meaningful....
"You are very scary..." oliver to isabel after she chews out a reporter on the family's behalf (RIGHT before he signs the company over to her, pro tem of course ) she then ends up to be working with slade, ding ding ding.
"When did you get so scary"...kynessev to island sara. Maybe nothing...i do don't want her to be bad in any way. Just made me go hmmm. Add it to the ever growing list of shady!sara. Hopefully character development only but with noting.

Also...right before isabel and oliver fight, she says something about slade having her try to get the family's company to draw him back, "but i had her doubts" Maybe this is significant in some way, dunno. And then the sins of the father bit.

Anyway, just deets i picked up that i missed the first time around.
No, if they go this route, I think in this case he DOES know about her, but her mother has erased HIM from their lives — pics everything. Which would explain why she would not recognize him. Maybe ...

Oh was there a live chat tonight? I missed it ... loops

From James Bamford:
James Bamford ‏@JamesBamford 9m
The calm in the air before the HUGE storm we are about to create......FINALE'. Instagram
James Bamford

Remember that tweet from Emily earlier about tone colored sockettes or something and making her have Barbie legs? And now there is this:
@EmilyBett: Guys, human Ken and Barbie met and they didn’t married so I guess that’s it for us. We can get back to things that matter.


That pic from Bambam yest with the stunt doubles — looks like the same setting for the above pic doesn't it?
Kreisberg responded, “One of the most important lessons that I’ve learned from working with Greg Berlanti, whose obviously had such amazing success in television, is to always have a really great plan, and then always know when to let the plan go.”In response to the unexpected addition of Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards)

Last edited by Iluv2fly; 04-11-2014 at 07:02 PM
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